The Worker's Cauldron
A podcast about the cultural politics of the paranormal. Where Karl Marx shakes his fist at the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot speaks to us about the legacies of colonialism. We discuss the contemporary obsession with all things supernatural through a socialist, feminist lens and ask what our strange experiences and beliefs tell us about the society we live in.
The Worker's Cauldron
Vodou Nationalism Part 2: The Truth About Papa Doc
Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier's administration was portrayed as a "Voodoo Dictatorship" by the Western press due to his tense relationship with the Catholic Church and his conflicting approach to the nation's Vodou beliefs. However, the claims of his political use of the religion's spirits and beliefs are based on shaky foundations. On this episode of The Worker's Cauldron, we try to shift through competing claims in an attempt to uncover the true history Haiti's right-wing dictator.
David Nicholls, From Dessalines to Duvalier: Race, Colour and National Independence in Haiti
John Cussans, Undead Uprising: Haiti, Horror and The Zombie Complex
Michel-Rolph Trouillot, Haiti, State Against Nation: Origins and Legacy of Duvalierism
Michel S. Laguerre, Voodoo and Politics in Haiti
Robert Lawless, Haiti's Bad Press: Origins, Development, and Consequences
Kate Ramsay, The Spirits and the Law: Vodou and Power in Haiti
Tampa Bay Times: Haiti’s Recognition of Voodoo Brings New Freedom to Faithful
Whicker’s World: Papa Doc: The Black Sheep